The Year's Work in English Studies


... Blackwell’s new Companion to T.S. Eliot, edited by David Chinitz, lives up to the high expectations raised by previous volumes in the ‘Companion’ series. As a resource for both scholars and students the book is very strong, and stand-out contributions come from John Xiros Cooper, on Eliot’s social critiques (pp. 287–97), and John Timberman Newcomb’s reconsideration of Eliot’s influence as an editor (pp. 399–410), in which he notes the sometimes overlooked role Eliot played not only in British modernism but also, with Pound, in shaping the public face of the likes of Oppen, Louis Zukofsky, and Marianne Moore. The collection as a whole, finely edited by Chinitz, will be a necessary reference for students. ...

James Gifford
Fairleigh Dickinson University